
對委員會條例(EU) 2019/2021的勘誤,該條例關于依據(jù)歐洲議會和理事會指令2009/125/EC,制定電子顯示器的生態(tài)設計要求,,并修訂委員會條例(EC) No 1275/2008和廢除委員會條例(EC) No 642/2009

時間: 2020-03-20


OJ L 50, 24.2.2020, p. 23–23


Corrigendum to Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2021 of 1 October 2019 laying down ecodesign requirements for electronic displays pursuant to Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, amending Commission Regulation (EC) No 1275/2008 and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 642/2009 (Official Journal of the European Union L 315 of 5 December 2019)