Title 36--Parks, Forests, and Public Property
1254.1 |
What kinds of archival materials may I use for research? |
1254.2 |
Does NARA provide information about documents? |
1254.4 |
Where and when are documents available to me for research? |
1254.6 |
Do I need a researcher identification card to use archival materials at a NARA facility? |
1254.8 |
What information do I need to provide when applying for a researcher identification card? |
1254.10 |
For how long and where is my researcher identification card valid? |
1254.12 |
Will NARA log or inspect my computer, other equipment, and notes? |
1254.14 |
Are some procedures in regional archives and Presidential libraries different from those in the Washington, DC, area? |
1254.20 |
What general policies apply in all NARA facilities where archival materials are available for research? |
1254.22 |
Do I need to register when I visit a NARA facility for research? |
1254.24 |
Whom does NARA allow in research rooms? |
1254.26 |
What can I take into a research room with me? |
1254.28 |
What items are not allowed in research rooms? |
1254.30 |
Does NARA provide any supplies? |
1254.32 |
What rules apply to public access use of the Internet on NARA-supplied computers? |
1254.34 |
What are my responsibilities when using documents? |
1254.36 |
What care must I take when handling documents? |
1254.38 |
How do I keep documents in order? |
1254.40 |
How does NARA prevent removal of documents? |
1254.42 |
What are the rules that apply to using self-service microfilm? |
1254.44 |
How long may I use a microfilm reader? |
1254.46 |
Are there other rules of conduct that I must follow? |
1254.48 |
When does NARA revoke research privileges? |
1254.50 |
Does NARA consider reinstating research privileges? |
1254.52 |
Can NARA extend the period of revoked research privileges? |
1254.60 |
What are NARA's copying services? |
1254.62 |
Does NARA have archival materials protected by copyright? |
1254.64 |
Will NARA certify copies? |
1254.70 |
How may I make my own copies of documents? |
1254.72 |
What procedures do I follow to copy documents? |
1254.74 |
What documents are unsuitable for copying on a self-service or personal copier or scanner? |
1254.76 |
What procedures do I follow to copy formerly national security-classified documents? |
1254.80 |
Does NARA allow me to use scanners or other personal copying equipment? |
1254.82 |
What limitations apply to my use of self-service card-operated copiers? |
1254.84 |
How may I use a debit card for copiers in the Washington, DC, area? |
1254.86 |
May I use a personal paper-to-paper copier at the National Archives at College Park? |
1254.88 |
What are the rules for the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Research Room at the National Archives at College Park? |
1254.90 |
What is the scope of this subpart? |
1254.92 |
How do I submit a request to microfilm records and donated historical materials? |
1254.94 |
What must my request include? |
1254.96 |
What credits must I give NARA? |
1254.98 |
May NARA make subsequent use of my publication? |
1254.100 |
How does NARA evaluate requests? |
1254.102 |
What requests does NARA not approve? |
1254.104 |
How does NARA determine fees to prepare documents for microfilming? |
1254.106 |
What are NARA's equipment standards? |
1254.108 |
What are NARA's requirements for the microfilming process? |
1254.110 |
Does NARA ever rescind permission to microfilm? |