

時間: 2008-07-24


34 CFR 611

Teacher quality enhancement grants program


Title 34--Education



TEXT PDF 611.1 What definitions apply to the Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program?
TEXT PDF 611.2 What management plan must be included in a Teacher Quality Enhancement Grants Program application?
TEXT PDF 611.3 What procedures does the Secretary use to award a grant?
TEXT PDF 611.11 What are the program's general selection criteria?
TEXT PDF 611.12 What additional selection criteria are used for an application proposing teacher recruitment activities?
TEXT PDF 611.13 What competitive preference does the Secretary provide?
TEXT PDF 611.21 What are the program's selection criteria for pre-applications?
TEXT PDF 611.22 What additional selection criteria are used for a pre-application that proposes teacher recruitment activities?
TEXT PDF 611.23 What are the program's general selection criteria for full applications?
TEXT PDF 611.24 What additional selection criteria are used for a full application that proposes teacher recruitment activities?
TEXT PDF 611.25 What competitive preference does the Secretary provide?
TEXT PDF 611.31 What are the program's selection criteria for pre-applications?
TEXT PDF 611.32 What are the program's general selection criteria?
TEXT PDF 611.41 Under what circumstances may an individual receive a scholarship of program funds to attend a teacher training program?
TEXT PDF 611.42 How does the Secretary calculate the period of the scholarship recipient's service obligation?
TEXT PDF 611.43 What are the consequences of a scholarship recipient's failure to meet the service obligation?
TEXT PDF 611.44 Under what circumstances may the Secretary defer a scholarship recipient's service obligation?
TEXT PDF 611.45 Under what circumstances does the Secretary discharge a scholarship recipient's obligation to repay for failure to meet the service obligation?
TEXT PDF 611.46 What are a scholarship recipient's reporting responsibilities upon graduation from the teacher preparation program?
TEXT PDF 611.47 What are a scholarship recipient's reporting responsibilities upon the close of the LEA's academic year?
TEXT PDF 611.48 What are a scholarship recipient's reporting responsibilities upon failure to graduate or withdrawal of scholarship support?
TEXT PDF 611.49 What are a grantee's responsibilities for implementing the scholarship requirements before awarding a scholarship?
TEXT PDF 611.50 What are a grantee's reporting responsibilities?
TEXT PDF 611.51 How does a grantee ensure that a scholarship recipient understands the terms and conditions of the scholarship before the recipient leaves the teacher preparation program?
TEXT PDF 611.52 What are a grantee's programmatic responsibilities for ensuring that scholarship recipients become successful teachers in high-need schools?
TEXT PDF 611.61 What is the maximum indirect cost rate that applies to a recipient's use of program funds?
TEXT PDF 611.62 What are a grantee's matching requirements?
