

時(shí)間: 2008-07-24


40 CFR 266

Standards for the management of specific hazardous wastes and specific types of hazardous waste management facilities


Title 40--Protection of Environment



TEXT PDF 266.20 Applicability.
TEXT PDF 266.21 Standards applicable to generators and transporters of materials used in a manner that constitutes disposal.
TEXT PDF 266.22 Standards applicable to storers of materials that are to be used in a manner that constitutes disposal who are not the ultimate users.
TEXT PDF 266.23 Standards applicable to users of materials that are used in a manner that constitutes disposal.
TEXT PDF 266.70 Applicability and requirements.
TEXT PDF 266.80 Applicability and requirements.
TEXT PDF 266.100 Applicability.
TEXT PDF 266.101 Management prior to burning.
TEXT PDF 266.102 Permit standards for burners.
TEXT PDF 266.103 Interim status standards for burners.
TEXT PDF 266.104 Standards to control organic emissions.
TEXT PDF 266.105 Standards to control particulate matter.
TEXT PDF 266.106 Standards to control metals emissions.
TEXT PDF 266.107 Standards to control hydrogen chloride (HCl) and chlorine gas (Cl&bdi2;) emissions.
TEXT PDF 266.108 Small quantity on-site burner exemption.
TEXT PDF 266.109 Low risk waste exemption.
TEXT PDF 266.110 Waiver of DRE trial burn for boilers.
TEXT PDF 266.111 Standards for direct transfer.
TEXT PDF 266.112 Regulation of residues.
TEXT PDF 266.200 Applicability.
TEXT PDF 266.201 Definitions.
TEXT PDF 266.202 Definition of solid waste.
TEXT PDF 266.203 Standards applicable to the transportation of solid waste military munitions.
TEXT PDF 266.204 Standards applicable to emergency responses.
TEXT PDF 266.205 Standards applicable to the storage of solid waste military munitions.
TEXT PDF 266.206 Standards applicable to the treatment and disposal of waste military munitions.
TEXT PDF 266.210 What definitions apply to this subpart?
TEXT PDF 266.220 What does a storage and treatment conditional exemption do?
TEXT PDF 266.225 What wastes are eligible for the storage and treatment conditional exemption?
TEXT PDF 266.230 What conditions must you meet for your LLMW to qualify for and maintain a storage and treatment exemption?
TEXT PDF 266.235 What waste treatment does the storage and treatment conditional exemption allow?
TEXT PDF 266.240 How could you lose the conditional exemption for your LLMW and what action must you take?
TEXT PDF 266.245 If you lose the storage and treatment conditional exemption for your LLMW, can the exemption be reclaimed?
TEXT PDF 266.250 What records must you keep at your facility and for how long?
TEXT PDF 266.255 When is your LLMW no longer eligible for the storage and treatment conditional exemption?
TEXT PDF 266.260 Do closure requirements apply to units that stored LLMW prior to the effective date of Subpart N?
TEXT PDF 266.305 What does the transportation and disposal conditional exemption do?
TEXT PDF 266.310 What wastes are eligible for the transportation and disposal conditional exemption?
TEXT PDF 266.315 What are the conditions you must meet for your waste to qualify for and maintain the transportation and disposal conditional exemption?
TEXT PDF 266.320 What treatment standards must your eligible waste meet?
TEXT PDF 266.325 Are you subject to the manifest and transportation condition in 266.315(b)?
TEXT PDF 266.330 When does the transportation and disposal exemption take effect?
TEXT PDF 266.335 Where must your exempted waste be disposed of?
TEXT PDF 266.340 What type of container must be used for disposal of exempted waste?
TEXT PDF 266.345 Whom must you notify?
TEXT PDF 266.350 What records must you keep at your facility and for how long?
TEXT PDF 266.355 How could you lose the transportation and disposal conditional exemption for your waste and what actions must you take?
TEXT PDF 266.360 If you lose the transportation and disposal conditional exemption for a waste, can the exemption be reclaimed?
TEXT PDF 266.400 Purpose, scope, and applicability.
TEXT PDF 266.401 Definitions.
TEXT PDF 266.402 Procedures for adding persons as generators to EPA's USFRS XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.403 Procedures for adding persons as transporters to EPA's USFRS XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.404 USFRS requirements related to the development, use and content of USFRS XL Waste Training Module.
TEXT PDF 266.405 USFRS requirements relative to the development, use and content of USFRS XL Waste MSDS.
TEXT PDF 266.406 Waste characterization.
TEXT PDF 266.407 USFRS XL waste identification, handling, and recycling.
TEXT PDF 266.408 Accumulation and storage prior to off-site transport.
TEXT PDF 266.409 USFRS XL waste transporter pre-transport requirements.
TEXT PDF 266.410 USFRS XL Waste Transport and Transportation Tracking Document.
TEXT PDF 266.411 Releases of USFRS XL waste during transport.
TEXT PDF 266.412 USFRS XL waste generator closure.
TEXT PDF 266.413 USFRS XL waste generator requirements to maintain alternate treatment or disposal capacity.
TEXT PDF 266.414 Termination of a USFRS XL waste approved customer's participation in the USFRS XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.415 Termination of a USFRS XL waste generator's participation in the USFRS XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.416 Termination of a USFRS XL waste approved transporter's participation in the USFRS XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.417 Termination of a USFRS XL waste transporter's participation in the USFRS XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.418 Termination of USFRS' participation in this XL Project.
TEXT PDF 266.419 USFRS recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
TEXT PDF 266.420 USFRS XL waste generator recordkeeping and reporting requirement.
TEXT PDF 266.421 USFRS XL waste transporter recordkeeping and reporting requirement.
TEXT PDF 266.422 Effective date and duration of the project.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix I to Part 266--Tier I and Tier II Feed Rate and Emissions Screening Limits for Metals.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix II to Part 266--Tier I Feed Rate Screening Limits for Total Chlorine.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix III to Part 266--Tier II Emission Rate Screening Limits for Free Chlorine and Hydrogen Chloride.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix IV to Part 266--Reference Air Concentrations.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix V to Part 266--Risk Specific Doses (10-5).
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix VI to Part 266--Stack Plume Rise.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix VII to Part 266--Health-Based Limits for Exclusion of Waste-Derived Residues.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix VIII to Part 266--Potential PICs for Determination of Exclusion of Waste-Derived Residues.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix IX to Part 266--Methods Manual for Compliance With the BIF Regulations.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix X to Part 266 [Reserved].
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix XI to Part 266--Lead-Bearing Materials That May Be Processed in Exempt Lead Smelters.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix XII to Part 266--Nickel or Chromium-Bearing Materials That May Be Processed in Exempt Nickel-Chromium Recovery Furnaces.
TEXT PDF Appendix Appendix XIII to Part 266--Mercury Bearing Wastes That May Be Processed in Exempt Mercury Recovery Units.
