Title 25--Indians
30.100 |
What is the purpose of this part? |
30.101 |
What definitions apply to terms in this part? |
30.102 |
Does the Act require the Secretary of the Interior to develop a definition of AYP for Bureau-funded schools? |
30.103 |
Did the Committee consider a separate Bureau definition of AYP? |
30.104 |
What is the Secretary's definition of AYP? |
30.105 |
May a tribal governing body or school board use another definition of AYP? |
30.106 |
How does a tribal governing body or school board propose an alternative definition of AYP? |
30.107 |
What must a tribal governing body or school board include in its alternative definition of AYP? |
30.108 |
May an alternative definition of AYP use parts of the Secretary's definition? |
30.109 |
Will the Secretary provide assistance in developing an alternative AYP definition? |
30.110 |
What is the process for requesting technical assistance to develop an alternative definition of AYP? |
30.111 |
When should the tribal governing body or school board request technical assistance? |
30.113 |
How does the Secretary review and approve an alternative definition of AYP? |
30.114 |
Which students must be assessed? |
30.115 |
Which students' performance data must be included for purposes of AYP? |
30.116 |
If a school fails to achieve its annual measurable objectives, what other methods may it use to determine whether it made AYP? |
30.117 |
What happens if a Bureau-funded school fails to make AYP? |
30.118 |
May a Bureau-funded school present evidence of errors in identification before it is identified for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring? |
30.119 |
Who is responsible for implementing required remedial actions at a Bureau-funded school identified for school improvement, corrective action or restructuring? |
30.120 |
Are Bureau-funded schools exempt from offering school choice and supplemental educational services when identified for school improvement, corrective action, and restructuring? |
30.121 |
What funds are available to assist schools identified for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring? |
30.122 |
Must the Bureau assist a school it identified for school improvement, corrective action, or restructuring? |
30.123 |
What is the Bureau's role in assisting Bureau-funded schools to make AYP? |
30.124 |
Will the Bureau apply for funds that are available to help schools that fail to meet AYP? |
30.125 |
What happens if a State refuses to allow a school access to the State assessment? |
30.126 |
What is required for the Bureau to meet its reporting responsibilities? |
30.150 |
Information collection. |