

時(shí)間: 2008-07-24


41 CFR 102-83

Location of space


Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF 102-83.5 What is the scope of this part?
TEXT PDF 102-83.10 What basic location of space policy governs an Executive agency?
TEXT PDF 102-83.15 Is there a general hierarchy of consideration that agencies must follow in their utilization of space?
TEXT PDF 102-83.20 What is a delineated area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.25 Who is responsible for identifying the delineated area within which a Federal agency wishes to locate specific activities?
TEXT PDF 102-83.30 In addition to its mission and program requirements, are there any other issues that Federal agencies must consider in identifying the delineated area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.35 Are Executive agencies required to consider whether the central business area will provide for adequate competition when acquiring leased space?
TEXT PDF 102-83.40 Who must approve the final delineated area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.45 Where may Executive agencies find guidance on appealing GSA's decisions and recommendations concerning delineated areas?
TEXT PDF 102-83.50 What is the Rural Development Act of 1972?
TEXT PDF 102-83.55 What is a rural area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.60 What is an urbanized area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.65 Are Executive agencies required to give first priority to the location of new offices and other facilities in rural areas?
TEXT PDF 102-83.70 What is Executive Order 12072?
TEXT PDF 102-83.75 What is Executive Order 13006?
TEXT PDF 102-83.80 What is an urban area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.85 What is a central business area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.90 Do Executive Orders 12072 and 13006 apply to rural areas?
TEXT PDF 102-83.95 After an agency has identified that its geographic service area and delineated area are in an urban area, what is the next step for an agency?
TEXT PDF 102-83.100 Why must agencies consider available space in properties under the custody and control of the U.S. Postal Service?
TEXT PDF 102-83.105 What happens if there is no available space in non-historic buildings under the custody and control of the U.S. Postal Service?
TEXT PDF 102-83.110 When an agency's mission and program requirements call for the location in an urban area, are Executive agencies required to give first consideration to central business areas?
TEXT PDF 102-83.115 What is a central city?
TEXT PDF 102-83.120 What happens if an agency has a need to be in a specific urban area that is not a central city in a metropolitan area?
TEXT PDF 102-83.125 Are Executive agencies required to give preference to historic properties when acquiring leased space?
TEXT PDF 102-83.130 When must agencies consider the impact of location decisions on low- and moderate-income employees?
TEXT PDF 102-83.135 With whom must agencies consult in determining the availability of low- and moderate-income housing?
