

時(shí)間: 2008-07-24


41 CFR 102-85

Pricing policy for occupancy in GSA space


Title 41--Public Contracts and Property Management



TEXT PDF 102-85.5 By what authority is the pricing policy in this part prescribed?
TEXT PDF 102-85.10 What is the scope of this part?
TEXT PDF 102-85.15 What are the basic policies for charging Rent for space and services?
TEXT PDF 102-85.20 What does an Occupancy Agreement (OA) do?
TEXT PDF 102-85.25 What is the basic principle governing OAs?
TEXT PDF 102-85.30 Are there special rules for certain Federal customers?
TEXT PDF 102-85.35 What definitions apply to this part?
TEXT PDF 102-85.40 What are the major components of the pricing policy?
TEXT PDF 102-85.45 When is an Occupancy Agreement required?
TEXT PDF 102-85.50 When does availability of funding have to be certified?
TEXT PDF 102-85.55 What are the terms and conditions included in an OA?
TEXT PDF 102-85.60 Who can execute an OA?
TEXT PDF 102-85.65 How does an OA obligate the customer agency?
TEXT PDF 102-85.70 Are the standard OA terms appropriate for non-cancelable space?
TEXT PDF 102-85.75 When can space assignments be terminated?
TEXT PDF 102-85.80 Who is financially responsible for expenses resulting from tenant non-performance?
TEXT PDF 102-85.85 What if a customer agency participates in a consolidation?
TEXT PDF 102-85.90 What is a tenant improvement allowance?
TEXT PDF 102-85.95 Who pays for the TI allowance?
TEXT PDF 102-85.100 How does a customer agency pay for tenant improvements?
TEXT PDF 102-85.105 How does an agency pay for customer alterations that exceed the TI allowance?
TEXT PDF 102-85.110 Can the allowance amount be changed?
TEXT PDF 102-85.115 How is the Rent determined?
TEXT PDF 102-85.120 What is shell Rent?
TEXT PDF 102-85.125 What alternate methods may be used to establish Rent in Federally-owned space?
TEXT PDF 102-85.130 How are exemptions from Rent granted?
TEXT PDF 102-85.135 What if space and services are provided by other executive agencies?
TEXT PDF 102-85.140 How are changes in Rent reflected in OAs?
TEXT PDF 102-85.145 When are customer agencies responsible for Rent charges?
TEXT PDF 102-85.150 How will Rent charges be reflected on the customer agency's Rent bill?
TEXT PDF 102-85.155 What does a customer agency do if it does not agree with a Rent bill?
TEXT PDF 102-85.160 How does a customer agency know how much to budget for Rent?
TEXT PDF 102-85.165 What are standard levels of service?
TEXT PDF 102-85.170 Can flexitime and other alternative work schedules cost the customer agency more?
TEXT PDF 102-85.175 Are the standard level services for cleaning, mechanical operation, and maintenance identified in an OA?
TEXT PDF 102-85.180 Can there be other standard services?
TEXT PDF 102-85.185 Can space be exempted from the standard levels of service
TEXT PDF 102-85.190 Can GSA Rent be adjusted when standard levels of service are performed by other customer agencies?
TEXT PDF 102-85.195 Does GSA provide special services?
TEXT PDF 102-85.200 Can customer agencies continue occupancy of space or must they relocate at the end of an OA?
TEXT PDF 102-85.205 What happens if a customer agency continues occupancy after the expiration of an OA?
TEXT PDF 102-85.210 What if a customer agency has to relocate?
TEXT PDF 102-85.215 What if another customer agency forces a GSA customer to move?
TEXT PDF 102-85.220 Can a customer agency forced to relocate waive the reimbursements?
TEXT PDF 102-85.225 What are the funding responsibilities for relocations resulting from emergencies?
