

時(shí)間: 2008-07-24


43 CFR 3710

Public Law 167; Act of July 23, 1955


Title 43--Public Lands: Interior


PART 3710--PUBLIC LAW 167; ACT OF JULY 23, 1955

TEXT PDF 3710.0-3 Authority.
TEXT PDF 3712.1 Restriction on use of unpatented mining claims.
TEXT PDF 3712.2 Publication of notice.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-1 Request for publication of notice to mining claimant.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-2 Evidence necessary to support a request for publication.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-3 Contents of published notice.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-4 Publication.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-5 Proof of publication.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-6 Service of notice.
TEXT PDF 3712.2-7 Service of copies; failure to comply.
TEXT PDF 3712.3 Failure of claimant to file verified statement.
TEXT PDF 3713.1 Hearing procedures.
TEXT PDF 3713.2 Hearing: Time and place.
TEXT PDF 3713.3 Stipulation between parties.
TEXT PDF 3713.4 Effect of decision affirming a mining claimant's rights.
TEXT PDF 3714.1 Recording by mining claimant of request for copy of notice.
TEXT PDF 3714.2 Waiver of rights by mining claimants.
TEXT PDF 3714.3 Protection of existing rights; exclusion of reservation in patents.
TEXT PDF 3715.0-1 What are the purpose and the scope of this subpart?
TEXT PDF 3715.0-3 What are the legal authorities for this subpart?
TEXT PDF 3715.0-5 How are certain terms in this subpart defined?
TEXT PDF 3715.0-9 Information collection.
TEXT PDF 3715.1 Do the regulations in this subpart apply to my use or occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.2 What activities do I have to be engaged in to allow me to occupy the public lands?
TEXT PDF 3715.2-1 What additional characteristic(s) must my occupancy have?
TEXT PDF 3715.2-2 How do I justify occupancy by a caretaker or watchman?
TEXT PDF 3715.2-3 Under what circumstances will BLM allow me to temporarily occupy a site for more than 14 days?
TEXT PDF 3715.3 Must I consult with BLM before occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.3-1 At what point may I begin occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.3-2 What information must I provide to BLM about my proposed occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.3-3 How does BLM process the information I submit about my proposed occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.3-4 How will BLM notify me of the outcome of its review process?
TEXT PDF 3715.3-5 What will BLM's notification include?
TEXT PDF 3715.3-6 May I begin occupancy if I have not received concurrence from BLM?
TEXT PDF 3715.4 What if I have an existing use or occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.4-1 What happens after I give BLM written notification of my existing occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.4-2 What if I do not notify BLM of my existing occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.4-3 What if BLM does not concur in my existing use or occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.4-4 What if there is a dispute over the fee simple title to the lands on which my existing occupancy is located?
TEXT PDF 3715.5 What standards apply to my use or occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.5-1 What standards apply to ending my use or occupancy?
TEXT PDF 3715.5-2 What happens to property I leave behind?
TEXT PDF 3715.6 What things does BLM prohibit under this subpart?
TEXT PDF 3715.7 How will BLM inspect my use or occupancy and enforce this subpart?
TEXT PDF 3715.7-1 What types of enforcement action can BLM take if I do not meet the requirements of this subpart?
TEXT PDF 3715.7-2 What happens if I do not comply with a BLM order?
TEXT PDF 3715.8 What penalties are available to BLM for violations of this subpart?
TEXT PDF 3715.8-1 What happens if I make false statements to BLM?
TEXT PDF 3715.9 What appeal rights do I have?
TEXT PDF 3715.9-1 Does an appeal to IBLA suspend a BLM decision?
