

時間: 2009-05-21


49 CFR 512

Confidential business information


Title 49--Transportation



TEXT PDF 512.1 Purpose and scope.
TEXT PDF 512.2 Applicability.
TEXT PDF 512.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF 512.4 When requesting confidentiality, what should I submit?
TEXT PDF 512.5 How many copies should I submit?
TEXT PDF 512.6 How should I prepare documents when submitting a claim for confidentiality?
TEXT PDF 512.7 Where should I send the information for which I am requesting confidentiality?
TEXT PDF 512.8 What supporting information should I submit with my request?
TEXT PDF 512.9 What are the requirements if the information comes from a third party?
TEXT PDF 512.10 Duty to amend.
TEXT PDF 512.11 What if I need an extension of time?
TEXT PDF 512.12 What if I am submitting multiple items of information?
TEXT PDF 512.13 What are the consequences for noncompliance with this part?
TEXT PDF 512.14 Who makes the confidentiality determination?
TEXT PDF 512.15 How will confidentiality determinations be made?
TEXT PDF 512.16 Class determinations.
TEXT PDF 512.17 How long should it take to determine whether information is entitled to confidential treatment?
TEXT PDF 512.18 How will I be notified of the confidentiality determination?
TEXT PDF 512.19 What can I do if I disagree with the determination?
TEXT PDF 512.20 How does the agency treat information submitted pursuant to this part before a confidentiality determination is made?
TEXT PDF 512.21 How is information submitted pursuant to this part treated once a confidentiality determination is made?
TEXT PDF 512.22 Under what circumstances may NHTSA modify a grant of confidentiality?
TEXT PDF 512.23 Under what circumstances may NHTSA publicly release confidential information?
TEXT PDF Appendix A Appendix A to Part 512--Certificate in Support of Request for Confidentiality
TEXT PDF Appendix B Appendix B to Part 512--General Class Determinations
TEXT PDF Appendix C Appendix C to Part 512--Early Warning Reporting Class Determinations
TEXT PDF Appendix D Appendix D to Part 512--Vehicle Identification Number Information
TEXT PDF Appendix E Appendix E to Part 512--OMB Clearance
