

時間: 2009-05-21


50 CFR 18

Marine mammals


Title 50--Wildlife and Fisheries



TEXT PDF 18.1 Purpose of regulations.
TEXT PDF 18.2 Scope of regulations.
TEXT PDF 18.3 Definitions.
TEXT PDF 18.4 Information collection requirements.
TEXT PDF 18.11 Prohibited taking.
TEXT PDF 18.12 Prohibited importation.
TEXT PDF 18.13 Prohibited uses, possession, transportation, and sales.
TEXT PDF 18.14 Marine mammals taken before the Act.
TEXT PDF 18.21 Actions permitted by international treaty, convention, or agreement.
TEXT PDF 18.22 Taking by Federal, State or local government officials.
TEXT PDF 18.23 Native exemptions.
TEXT PDF 18.24 Taking incidental to commercial fishing operations.
TEXT PDF 18.25 Exempted marine mammals or marine mammal products.
TEXT PDF 18.26 Collection of certain dead marine mammal parts.
TEXT PDF 18.27 Regulations governing small takes of marine mammals incidental to specified activities.
TEXT PDF 18.30 Polar bear sport-hunted trophy import permits.
TEXT PDF 18.31 Scientific research permits and public display permits.
TEXT PDF 18.32 Waiver of the moratorium.
TEXT PDF 18.33 Procedures for issuance of permits and modification, suspension, or revocation thereof.
TEXT PDF 18.70 Basis and purpose.
TEXT PDF 18.71 Definitions.
TEXT PDF 18.72 Scope of regulations.
TEXT PDF 18.73 Burden of proof.
TEXT PDF 18.74 Notice of hearing.
TEXT PDF 18.75 Notification by interested persons.
TEXT PDF 18.76 Presiding officer.
TEXT PDF 18.77 Direct testimony submitted as written documents.
TEXT PDF 18.78 Mailing address.
TEXT PDF 18.79 Inspection and copying of documents.
TEXT PDF 18.80 Ex parte communications.
TEXT PDF 18.81 Prehearing conference.
TEXT PDF 18.82 Prehearing order.
TEXT PDF 18.83 Determination to cancel the hearing.
TEXT PDF 18.84 Rebuttal testimony and new issues of fact in prehearing order.
TEXT PDF 18.85 Waiver of right to participate.
TEXT PDF 18.86 Conduct of the hearing.
TEXT PDF 18.87 Direct testimony.
TEXT PDF 18.88 Cross-examination.
TEXT PDF 18.89 Oral and written arguments.
TEXT PDF 18.90 Recommended decision, certification of the transcript and submission of comments on the recommended decision.
TEXT PDF 18.91 Director's decision.
TEXT PDF 18.92 Purpose of regulations.
TEXT PDF 18.93 Scope of regulations.
TEXT PDF 18.94 Pacific walrus (Alaska).
TEXT PDF 18.111 What specified activities does this subpart cover?
TEXT PDF 18.112 In what specified geographic region does this subpart apply?
TEXT PDF 18.113 When is this subpart effective?
TEXT PDF 18.114 How do I obtain a Letter of Authorization?
TEXT PDF 18.115 What criteria does the Service use to evaluate Letter of Authorization requests?
TEXT PDF 18.116 What does a Letter of Authorization allow?
TEXT PDF 18.117 What activities are prohibited?
TEXT PDF 18.118 What are the mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements?
TEXT PDF 18.119 What are the information collection requirements?
TEXT PDF 18.121 What specified activities does this subpart cover?
TEXT PDF 18.122 In what specified geographic region does this subpart apply?
TEXT PDF 18.123 When is this subpart effective?
TEXT PDF 18.124 How do I obtain a Letter of Authorization?
TEXT PDF 18.125 What criteria does the Service use to evaluate Letter of Authorization requests?
TEXT PDF 18.126 What does a Letter of Authorization allow?
TEXT PDF 18.127 What activities are prohibited?
TEXT PDF 18.128 What are the mitigation, monitoring, and reporting requirements?
TEXT PDF 18.129 What are the information collection requirements?
