

時間: 2009-05-21


49 CFR 551

Procedural rules


Title 49--Transportation



TEXT PDF 551.1 Scope.
TEXT PDF 551.31 Form of communications.
TEXT PDF 551.33 Address of communications.
TEXT PDF 551.35 Subscription of communications.
TEXT PDF 551.37 Language of communications.
TEXT PDF 551.45 What is the purpose of this subpart?
TEXT PDF 551.46 Who must comply with this subpart and when?
TEXT PDF 551.47 Who may serve as an agent for a foreign manufacturer?
TEXT PDF 551.48 May an official of a foreign manufacturer serve as its agent?
TEXT PDF 551.49 May a foreign manufacturer replace its agent?
TEXT PDF 551.50 May more than one foreign manufacturer designate the same person as agent?
TEXT PDF 551.51 May an agent assign performance of its functions to another individual or entity?
TEXT PDF 551.52 How long will a foreign manufacturer's designation of agent remain in effect?
TEXT PDF 551.53 What is the required format for a designation?
TEXT PDF 551.54 What are the required contents for a designation?
TEXT PDF 551.55 What information must a Designation by Foreign Manufacturer contain?
TEXT PDF 551.56 What information must an Acceptance by Agent contain?
TEXT PDF 551.57 Who may sign the Designation by Foreign Manufacturer?
TEXT PDF 551.58 Who may sign the Acceptance by Agent?
TEXT PDF 551.59 May the same individual sign both the Designation by Foreign Manufacturer and Acceptance by Agent?
TEXT PDF 551.60 When must the Designation by Foreign Manufacturer be signed?
TEXT PDF 551.61 When must the Acceptance by Agent be signed?
TEXT PDF 551.62 Where should a foreign manufacturer mail the designation?
TEXT PDF 551.63 May a foreign manufacturer submit a designation by email or facsimile?
TEXT PDF 551.64 What if designation documents submitted by a foreign manufacturer do not comply with this subpart?
TEXT PDF 551.65 What if a foreign manufacturer changes its name, address or product names or marks?
TEXT PDF 551.66 What is the legal effect of service of process on an agent?
TEXT PDF 551.67 Where and how may an agent be served?
TEXT PDF 551.68 What if an agent cannot be served?
