All technical content of the National Standard GB 17927 is mandatory. This National Standard was issued by the Technical Committee SAC/TC 480, Furniture.
The National Standard GB 17927.1-2011 lays down a method of test to assess the resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture, such as domestic mattress and safa when subjected to a smouldering ignition cigarette as an ignition source.
In technology, this standard refers to International Standard ISO 8191-1: 1987 Furniture - Assessment of the ignitability of upholstered furniture - Part 1: Ignition Source: smouldering cigarette, prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 136, Furniture.
This standard stipulates the criteria of ignition for two ignition ways (smouldering ignition and flaming ignition):
1) Smouldering ignition: all the following types of behavior are considered to be smouldering ignitions
l any test assembly that displays escalating combustion behavior so that it is unsafe to continue the test and requires active extinction;
l any test assembly that smoulders until it is essentially consumed within the test duration;
l any test assembly that smoulders to the extremities of the specimen, viz upper or lower margins, either side or to its full thickness, within the duration of the test;
l any test assembly that, on final examination, shows evidence of charring other than discoloration, for more than 100 mm in any direction apart from upwards from the nearest part of the original Position of the Source.
2) Flaming ignition: all the following types of behavior are considered to be flaming ignitions
l any test assembly that displays escalating combustion behavior so that it is unsafe to continue the test and requires active extinction;
l any test assembly that burns until it is essentially consumed within the test duration;
l any test assembly on which any flame front reaches the lower margin, either side or passes through its full thickness within the duration of the test.
The technical requirements of this standard are as follows:
1) Test security facilities
a) Laboratory
The laboratory shall consist of either a room with a volume greater than 20 m2 (which contains adequate Oxygen for testing) or a smaller enclosure with a through flow of air. Inlet and extraction Systems providing air flow rates of 0.02 to 0.2 m/s in the locality of the test rig provide adequate Oxygen without disturbing the burning behavior.
b) Fire extinguishing devices
Adequate means of extinguishing the assembly should be provided bearing in mind that some combinations may produce severe flaming during the test.
2) Test equipment
a) Clock
The clock shall be capable of measuring to at least 1 h with an accuracy of 1 s.
b) Ignition Source : smouldering cigarette
A cylindrical cigarette without the filter, or remove the filters and interface package, complying with the following requirements shall be used:
- length: (60±5) mm;
- diameter: (8±0.5) mm;
- mass per unit length: (0.6±0.1) g/50 mm;
- smouldering rate: (12±3) min/50 mm.
c) Test rig
The flat and sturdy work platform should ensure that the sample is placed placidly.
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